Note! Some sections of this site are still under construction! Please wait whilst I realize my dreams. You need a .PNG compatible browser to fully enjoy this site. I hate .GIF images because of that lousy L.Z.W. compression algorithm that is filed under a lousy patent (but I think that the patents in question had expired). |
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This section contains: Party Games (Rules to 9 games are available). Also, I have started my Story Files. |
This section contains: Forest Faeria — The Faery Sanctuary. |
This section contains: Due to my lost of interest, GonkHumanities™ are now closed! This link only contains information that I have not yet removed off the site. Any information about GonkHumanities™ is now void. |
This section contains: My current programming projects & downloads of them. Check out the page about one of projects about a kinetographic script editor whose name is Lean Against Bricks And Nails. Currently, I’ve this project is on-hold, because I’m re-engineering the design for this program, & creating some libraries at the moment. Also in this section, I have proposed a system about extending the UTF-16 surrogate system to 31-bits. Disclaimer! My UTF-16 extension proposals bears no official status of any kind whatsoever. |
Sorry! Guestbook is disabled |
| Read My Guestbook! | |
This space is reversed for future use for any campaigns that I may champion. |
Content Provider: David E. Down. royalozma@bigpond.com — P.G.P. keys are available |
I AM AN ATHEIST! Remember to say “Gesundheit” when someone sneezes. |
Notice! Your use of the site indicates your agreement to the Limited Liability Agreement that is set out by the author. |
© Copyright David E. Down, 1999 - 2008.