My page of my prowess in Computer Programming Artism. |
This page will be a haven of programming bits & pieces. This page is currently just a starting point, it will soon grow as I realize my dreams, & as my projects will be completed. I have a page that about the C language that I have started on.
Also,I have proposed an extension to the UTF-16 that allows 31-bit encoding, whilst maintaing backwards compatibility. The document is here. This document is subject to the GNU FDL version 1.1 & the GNU GPL version 2.0 — Disclamation! This proposal bears no official status whatsoever.
Programming tools that I use: |
I now use Linux www.linux.org exclusively! I have quited using Microsoft® based products at some time during the year 2001. So all programs (unless specified) are designed to run on Linux®. Currently, I don’t have any Linux® specific programs to host at the moment, but I created a Perl program under Linux® which I’m now hosting at this site (Click here to try it on-line). |
Projects that are on my mind: |
My dream projects that may take me ages: |
A program for you to download: |
Linux® specifics: |
Byte prefix scale correction patch for GLIB/GTK+ programs! GLIB/GTK+ programs (eg: from MATE or GNOME 2/3) which utilize the GLIB to abbreviate large byte sizes to a small number with a unit symbol (ie: KB, MB, GB, TB, etc), inproperly use the 1000 (10³) scale (ie: 1000 bytes for 1 KB) instead of the correct & true 1024 (2¹⁰) scale (ie: 1024 bytes for 1KB). This patch can restore that 1024 bytes per kilobyte scale in GLIB/GTK+ applications. Download it here Download the Patch (20130628) to fix those kilobyte/megabyte/gigabyte/terabyte calculation errors. Also, I have a revised version (20131225) includes a workaround to prevent GTK+2 applications (with late version of the GTK+2 library) from defaulting to recently-used files from appearing as default in the file chooser. Now, I have an updated version (20140204) of the above! It has more bugfixes, revised/corrected documentation, & support to workaround GTK+3's file chooser. |
Perl programs: |
WIKKA! An on-line convertor to convert dates between the Calendars of the Gregorian & the Occult. You can access the On-Line Version (Currently, not working!) of it, or you can Download the Source Code to WIKKA! |
Note! I have no deadlines to meet! These will be done when I get the chance to do them. I might release betas of these programs if they are almost ready to be released or something. Also, any of these items may have a chance to be condemned off my list of projects. |
Disclamation! All programs are provided as it, they come with no warranty what so ever! Any these programs must be used at your own risk. I take no responsibility of any damage that may be inflicted due to the use of any program whether modified or not. |
© Copyright 2002 by David E. Down.