Vendors friendly with Pagan Awarenss Network (Australia) discriminate because of one’s membership or non-membership with a religious organization by requiring non-members of that religious organization to pay higher prices for goods.

Because I do not support the practice of merchants who discriminate by charging non-members of a particular religion or religious organization with higher prices than the members of that religion or religious organization are paying, even if that discrimination exploits a “legal loophole” in the applicable laws.

Now here is my explaination about a religious organization & its club discount scheme:
Pagan Awarenss Network (Australia) whose circled pentagram logo seems to contain a depiction of Pan the deity, has a club discount scheme which also happens to be a “free advertizing” program. For a merchant who wants to be advertized by that organization on its Internet Site & literature, he/she/it must in exchange give members of that organization a discount (generally at 5% or 10%). But there is one problem: Merchants (mainly New-Age ones) who do participate with that club discount scheme, can be seen to be discriminating in the provisions of goods & services by favouring members of a certain religious organization with lower prices, whilst those who can not join such a religious organization or is morally opposed of joining such a religious organization are forced to pay higher prices.

There is no apparent or legal requirement for anyone to be of the religion as dealt by Pagan Awarenss Network (Australia) (i.e. Neopaganism) to actually purchase or enjoy the products as supplied by its participating merchants, whether or not the merchandise in question are specific to the New-Age movement.

I am an Atheist & my Atheism opposes me of joining any religious organization for any reason. Although I am Atheist & most the merchants who participate in that club discount scheme are mainly New-Age ones, I do have some interests in & several uses of several kinds of New-Age merchandise (eg: Candles for the dinner table, Incense to perfume the entire room, Tarot decks to play non-occultic card games with, etc). Also, I do not want to be ripped-off via unfavourable & unfair price discrimination when I go shopping for such merchandise.

To express my opposition to any religiously run club discount schemes like the one above because of their possible discriminatory consequences & their “political incorrectness”: I personally boycott all the merchants who are advertized by Pagan Awarenss Network (Australia), just by simply refusing to shop at them & choose to shop at alternative & “politically correct” merchants (as of the time of writing) such as Dragon Majick & the Witches Secret.

Thank you for reading my criticism article.
You may continue your journey to any the sites which I boycott personally just by clicking on any these following links:
     Pagan Awarenss Network (Australia), the promoter & the founder of the above scheme.
          Whilst you there, you can see all whom I intend to boycott, just by clicking on PAN “Friendly” Businesses.
     Realm of White Magic, a participator of the above scheme.
     Wizard’s Realm, a participator of the above scheme.

Disclaimer! The author is not a lawyer, nor any other type of legal partitioner. The author of this document does not in any way oppose against the religion as dealt by Pagan Awarenss Network (Australia), or any other Occultic religion. Although the author does not practice the Occult, the author is interested about knowing the theology behind the Occult. Lastly, This article only targets club discount schemes as run by religious organizations, & this article does not target welfare/senior/student type concession schemes as offered by government organizations.

Authored & © copyrighted by the Regal Faery Monarch, a complete Atheist who doesn’t practice the Occult or any other religion, although he studies about it.
Note! More information about my criticism will be added to this page on a later date.

[Oct 19th, 2004 CE]